Friday, March 26, 2010

The Reptile Room L 1040

Lemony Snicket

This book continues the story of the Baudelaire children. In this book, the children are at their uncle Monty’s house because they got taken away from Count Olaf. It’s hard to explain the plot of the book without giving away the ending to the first book, so I’ll just say that I really enjoyed reading this book. I really like this book because it had to do with reptiles.

By: Amber R.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dear Dumb Diary Can Adults Be Human? 1050L

Dear Dumb Diary,

I read another great book, and I loved it. I think that if other people read it that they will like it too. Well anyways it’s about this girl named Jamie who doesn’t know if adults will ever be human, but while she’s figuring that out Jamie accidentally puts one of the mean office ladies in the hospital because she broke her hip. Then when her Aunt Carol comes to live with her she ends up working at the school and all of a sudden all the staff members are nice, and Jamie’s Aunt Carol gets engaged with one of the staff members who is also Angeline’s uncle.

Elizabeth S.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sticks and Stones 480 L

By:Beth Goobie

Sticks and Stones is about a girl named Jujube and she goes to the dance with this guy named Brent. When he goes out to his car for something, she goes with him and the next day when she walks into English class his friends are telling jokes about her and it goes around the school that something happened when it didn’t. I liked this book because it was really interesting. It didn’t get very boring, it got into detail and didn’t get repetitive.

Reviewed by: Carla K

Monday, March 15, 2010

“Three Little Words” A memoir Lexile 810

Ashley Rhodes- Courter

The main character in this true story is a girl named Ashley. She is the oldest of 4 kids biologically and the youngest out of 2 when adopted. The main problem in this story it that Ashley has been in 14 different foster homes during her life and when she begins 8th grade she finally finds a couple who want to adopt and they eventually adopt Ashley. In some of the foster home that she lived in were abusive and not eligible to keep kids in the home. Ashley had a brother named Luke who was younger and was in the same boat as she was. She also had a baby brother who died when he was only forty-eight days old. She was put in foster care because her mother was caught doing drugs and the boyfriend was abusive. I did not read this book on audio. I would suggest other people to read this book on audio because it is a confusing book and you will get lost during it. I sort of liked the book even though it was confusing in some parts, because it was interesting to hear about what she had to put up with. Ashley Rhodes- Courter (the author) has in fact written another book and it is New York Times bestselling author. It is called “The Women Who Raised Me”. It is another memoir.

“Reviewed By: Melanie M.”

Friday, March 12, 2010

Dear Dumb Diary Never Do Anything, Ever 1010L

Dear Dumb Diary,
I have to tell about this really good book that I read! It’s about a girl named Jamie who is competing with the popular girl named Angeline to see who has the most “inner beauty” by doing as many charities as they can. Then when Jamie and her best friend Isabella do a Jump-Rope-A-Thon for their school Angeline has a problem. She can’t jump rope by herself! So Jamie steps in and helps her out. I really enjoyed this book and I think others will too.
Elizabeth S.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Child Called It 750L

By David Peltzer

This book is mainly about a little boy named David, and he gets abused by his mother. The main characters are David and his family. This book takes place throughout a whole year. The main conflict is David needing to survive through the abuse. David is just a little boy who has two other brothers and he’s the only one who gets treated badly. David’s father tries to do something about it but all he does is makes the problem worse for David. The stuff that David’s mother does to him is so cruel. You would never expect a mother to have so much hate for her child. I really liked this book because it’s a true story. David himself is the author, so you know for a fact that the story is true. I also liked this book because it showed that everyone can get through the toughest time. I think everyone should read this book because it gives people a chance to know that not everyone has a perfect life.

Review by Sierra

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gamer Girl-660L

By: Mari Mancusi

The main character is Maddy star and she draws manga.

One problem that Maddy has to overcome is her parents’ divorce.

I liked this book a lot because I play video games.

One theme of the book is that you can find friends where ever you go.

Reviewed by: Chris d

Monday, March 8, 2010

New Moon 690L

This book is about a girl named Bella Swan whose love of her life is a vampire whose name is Edward Cullen. After a horrible disaster at Bella’s 18th birthday party, Edward leaves her and sends Bella into a deep depression. She can’t eat, sleep without having nightmares, or just do anything. Then finally Bella starts to hang out with her friends because her dad Charlie Swan wants to send her back to her mom’s house in Florida. The one person that she hangs out with out of her friends is her best friend Jacob Black who later she finds out that has a big secret of his own. I like this book a lot. It was one of my favorite books in the Twilight series.

Elizabeth S.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Bad Beginning 1010L

By Lemony Snicket

The main characters are siblings. Violet is the oldest child of the Baudelaire children she likes to invent things and have her brother test them out. Sunny is the youngest, she enjoys bite things with her four front teeth. Klaus is the middle child he enjoys reading and learning new things. Count Olaf is an actor, the orphan’s guardian now that their parents died. The Baudelaire parents just died in a house fire. I really like this book because it always left me wondering what will happen next.

Amber R.