Friday, December 18, 2009

Slam 740L

By Nick Hornby

This book is about this kid Sam who likes to skate. He goes out with this girl Alicia and they have a child that he has to take care of. One message of this book is not to have sex unless you’re ready. I like this book because Sam skates and I skate too.

Review by Brandon

Heroes Don’t Run 650L

By: Harry Mazer

This book is about a 17 year old boy named Adam. He has joined the Marines. His grandfather had signed for him. This is right after Pearl Harbor was bombed. I liked the book because I like war. The main lesson is don’t give up on what you want to do.
Review By: Chris D

Friday, December 11, 2009

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 880L

By J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone was a very good book. I enjoyed it a lot. I have seen the movie and I wanted to see how the book and the movie are different from one another. It turns out that the book has many different parts than the movie. Personally I thought the book was better than the movie. I’m not saying the movie was bad but it could have had some of the important parts in it. While I was reading it I would stop and think for a minute. I would think of what the setting looked like in the movie and what the author said the setting was like. I would definitely recommend people to read this book because it’s interesting, funny, and serious. If you like the movie you will like the book better. There is also a second book in this series it’s called Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Reviewed by Lizzy

Brian’s Winter 1140L

By Gary Paulsen
This is the sequel to Hatchet. Brian has already spent the enter summer in the Canadian wood and now he has to last the fall and winter. Brian lives in a cave with a wood wall around it. He lives on rabbits in the summer and fall until the rabbit’s change their color to make the snow. Then, Brian had to change in the winter to eating moose and deer meat. I like this book but because it was as good as the last one.

Reviewed By Tyler K

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hatchet 1020L

Hatchet is a book about a boy whose name is Brian Robeson. He was going to his dad’s house in Canada in a plane, when the pilot had a heart attack and the place crashed in an L-shaped lake. So Brian had to find out how to survive on his own by making fires, catching fish and surviving dangerous storms. One storm turned into a tornado. One theme of this book was that you should not take life for granted. I liked it, but would not recommend it because it has a lot of boring parts, and I did not listen to it on audio.

Reviewed by Nathan B

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Among the Hidden 800L

Margaret Peterson Haddix

This book is set in the future and there is a law that says you can’t have a third child. Luke is an illegal third child who has to hide so the population police don’t find him. Jen is another illegal third child whos step dad works for the population police. What happens when Jen and Luke meet is Jen want to go to the president’s house and tell the president has no right to do that to a third child. Third children have the same rights as everyone else. I like this book a lot because it always makes me wonder what is going to happen next.

Review by Amber R.

Dear Dumb Diary My Pants Are Haunted 990L

By Jim Benton

Jamie is a middle school girl with a lot on her mind and that’s what she writes in her dumb diary. Jamie goes through a lot in this book; for example: boy troubles, the mean girls, parents, a dog with a big appetite, and EVIL HAUNTED PANTS. When she first bought the pants she didn’t think anything of them, actually she loved them, but when she started embarrassing herself in front of her crush and others, she thought that the pants were haunted. So, she did everything to get rid of them. . . but you have to read the book to find out if she got rid of the pants or if she’s going to be haunted for the rest of her life. I like this book because it deals with real life problems that happen at school almost every day. I think it’s an easy book to read and that any girl teenager may like it.

Review by Elizabeth S.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Esperanza Rising – 750L

By Pam Munoz Ryan

Esperanza is a 6 year old girl from Mexico who lives on a ranch and is very rich. The book begins in 1924 during the Great Depression when her life was wonderful until one day everything suddenly goes wrong. She got forced to move to move out of the ranch and into California were everything is different, the clothes she now has to wear, the people, the area, everything. At first she hated the people and the clothes but then she learns to like it and get used to it. I like this book because it deals with situations that could really happen to someone, and because you never know what’s going to happen next. I thought that it was really easy to read and that anyone who reads it will like it.

Review by Elizabeth S