Friday, May 8, 2009

Twilight – 720L

by Stephenie Meyer

Just like lots of people, I LOVED this book. The main character, Bella, is a high school junior who has just moved from Arizona, where she’s lived with her mom since her parents divorced a long time ago, to Forks, Washington, where she’s going to be living with her dad. It’s the middle of a school year, and starting school where everyone seems to have known each other forever is kind of scary for her. She just wants to blend in, but it seems impossible. It is especially impossible when she meets Edward, her incredibly HANDSOME, but strange, lab partner. I don’t think it’s giving anything away to say that he’s really a vampire, and they fall in love. This book has a lot of adventure, danger, and exciting parts. It also explores the theme of really wanting something you can’t have (or think you can’t have).

One reason I liked this book is because Stephenie Meyer’s vampires are a little different than most of the vampires in literature. She took a topic that is old (vampires), but made it seem new. This author has a great imagination and made me feel like I was living in her imaginary world.

If you like this book, there are 3 more books in the series: New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.

I listened to the audio version of this book and it was excellent.


  1. i agree with ms.d on what she thinks of the book but I did not listen to it on auido i read it by my self

  2. I liked this book because it has vampires in it. The main characters in the book are Bella and Edward. Bella is a girl from Phoenix Arizona, and Edward is a vampire. This is a problem because Bella likes him. One theme in this book is that love can put you in a lot of danger but it's worth it.

  3. Twilight is about a girl, Bella. A smart intelligent girl. Who is moving to Forks, to her dads place. She falls in love with Edward Cullen, a vampire. Edward seeks her blood, and so do James, Victoria, and Laurent. Edward is the good guy, he wants to protect Bella but James, Victoria, and Laurent do not. So Bella has to figure a way to escape the thirsty vampires. Twilight is a spectacular book that is very plausible. I love plausible books, I have been reading them for a very long time. My favorite part of the book is when Bella and Edward are in the woods just looking at each other. Lying on the ground an arm length away from each other. Trees surrounding them. Edwards face shining like crystals because of the sun. Bella has a warm comfort feeling eveytime she is near him, she is at peace.

  4. im so sick hearing about this book and the movie
